2020 Publications
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The authors would like to thank Stony Brook Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure, and the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook University for access to the high-performance LIred and SeaWulf computing systems, the latter of which was made possible by a $1.4M National Science Foundation grant (#1531492).
A. C. Calder, P. I. Karpov, Z. Medin, J. M. Lattimer, “A Study of Low-Temperature Neutron Star Atmospheres”, Proceedings of Astronum2019 -- 14th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Universit'e Panth'eon-Sorbonne Paris, July 1-5, 2019. in press.
Anjia Wang, Alok Mishra, Chunhua Liao, Yonghong Yan and Barbara Chapman, “FreeCompilerCamp.org: Training for OpenMP Compiler Development from Cloud”, in Journal of Computation Science Education, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2020.
Bari, Md Abdullah Shahneous, Sampath Kumar Kilaparthi, Debasmita Basu, Tony Curtis, and Barbara Chapman, “Application-level Checkpointing of OpenSHMEM Applications using Compiler Analysis”, Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS) Workshop 2020
Battaglia, A., Kollias, P., Dhillon, R., Lamer, K., Khairoutdinov, M., and Watters, D. (2020) : Mind the gap – Part 2: Improving quantitative estimates of cloud and rain water path in oceanic warm rain using spaceborne radars, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 4865–4883, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-4865-2020
Bender, M., Rezaul Chowdhury, Rathish Das, Rob Johnson, William Kuszmaul, Andrea Lincoln, Quanquan Liu, Jayson Lynch, and Helen Xu, "Closing the Gap Between Cache-oblivious and Cache-adaptive Analysis", Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2020), Virtual Event, pp. 63-73, 2020.
Chowdhury, R., Francesco Silvestri, and Flavio Vella, "Brief Announcement: A Computational Model for Tensor Core Units", Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2020), Virtual Event, pp. 519-521, 2020.
Duchnowski, E.M., Kile, R.F., Snead, L.L., Trelewicz, J.R., and Brown, N.R. “Analysis of Alternative Moderator Concepts for Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 368, 110824, 2020
E. Aprà, E. J. Bylaska, ..., and R.J. Harrison, “NWChem: Past, present, and future,” J. Chem. Phys. 152, 184102, 2020
El-Atwani, O., Cunningham, W.S., Perez, D., Martinez, E., Trelewicz, J.R., Li, M., Maloy, S.A., “Temperature Threshold for Preferential Bubble Formation on Grain Boundaries in Tungsten Under in-situ Helium Irradiation”, Scripta Materialia, 180, 6-10, 2020
El-Atwani, O., Cunningham, W.S., Trelewicz, J.R., Li, M., Wirth, B.D., Maloy, S.A. “Revealing the Synergistic Effects of Sequential and Simultaneous Dual Beam Irradiations in Tungsten via In-situ TEM”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 152150, 2020
Elena Kokkoni, Effrosyni Mavroudi, Ashkan Zehfroosh, James C. Galloway, Rene Vidal, Jeffrey Heinz, and Herbert G. Tanner. GEARing Smart Environments for Pediatric Motor Rehabilitation. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 17(16), February 2020. [ bib | official pub ]
FJ Domínguez-Gutiérrez, C Martínez-Flores, PS Krstic, R Cabrera-Trujillo, U. von Toussaint, Theoretical study of the formation of C18H and C18H2 molecules by low energy irradiation with atomic and molecular hydrogen , arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.03291, Radiation Physics and Chemistry (in Press, 2020)
Foley, C.M. and H.J. Lynch. 2020. Estimating the pre-exploitation population size of a historically harvested marine mammal. Conservation Biology 34(1): 256-265.
Foley, C.M., W.F. Fagan, and H.J. Lynch. 2020. Correcting for within-season demographic turnover to estimate the island-wide population of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) on South Georgia. Polar Biology 43: 251-262.
G. Bosilca, R.J. Harrison, T. Herault, M.M. Javanmard, P. Nookala, E.F. Valeev, “The Template Task Graph (TTG) — an emerging practical dataflow programming paradigm for scientific simulation at extreme scale,” 2020 IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware (ESPM2), DOI 10.1109/ ESPM251964.2020.00011, 2020
Gentile, J.M., Hofmann, D.C., Trelewicz, J.R., “Microstructural Dependence of the Incipient to Homogeneous Flow Transitions in Metallic Glass Composites”, Scripta Materialia, 188, 32-36, 2020
Gentile, J.M., Stauffer, D.D., Hofmann, D.C., Trelewicz, J.R., “Shear localization and its dependence on microstructural length scales in metallic glass composites”, Materialia, 9, 100598, 2020
Goncalves, B., B. Spitzbart, and H.J. Lynch. 2020. Pack-ice seal survey using sub-meter satellite imagery and deep learning. Remote Sensing of Environment 239: 111617.
Hart, T., F. Jones, C. Black, C. J. Lintott, C. Youngflesh, H. J. Lynch, A. Davies, E. Maguire, A. Zisserman, C. Arteta, P. Barham, L. Emmerson, C. Southwell, and M. Jessopp. 2020. Large-scale assessment of intra- and inter-annual breeding success using a remote camera network. In press in Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Hossep Dolatian and Jeffrey Heinz. Computing and classifying reduplication with 2-way finite-state transducers. Journal of Language Modelling, 8(1):179--250, 2020. [ bib | official pub | pdf ]
Iles, D.A., H.J. Lynch, R. Ji, C. Barbraud, K. Delord, and S. Jenouvrier. 2020. Sea ice predicts long-term trends in Adélie penguin population growth, but not annual fluctuations: results from a range-wide multi-scale analysis. In press in Global Change Biology.
J. Anderson, R.J. Harrison, B. Sundahl, W.S. Thornton, and G. Beylkin, “Real-space quasi-relativistic quantum chemistry,” Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Volume 1175, 112711, 2020
Jing Ji and Jeffrey Heinz. Input Strictly Local Tree Transducers. In A. Leporati, C. Martín-Vide, D. Shapira, and C. Zandron, editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 369--381. Springer, 2020. [ bib ]
LBECA: A Low Background Electron Counting Apparatus for Sub-GeV Dark Matter Detection A. Bernstein, M. Clark, R. Essig, M. Fernandez-Serra, A. Kopec, R.F. Lang, J. Long5, K. Ni, S. Pereverzev, J. Qi, P. Sorensen, J. Xu, J. Ye and C. Zheng. 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1468 012035
M. Javanmard, Z. Ahmad, M. Kong, L-N Pouchet, R. Chowdhury, and R.J. Harrison, “Deriving Parametric Multi-Way Recursive Divide-and-Conquer Dynamic Programming Algorithms Using Polyhedral Compilers” Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2020), p317–329, 2020
M. Mahdi Javanmard, Z. Ahmad, J. Zola, L. -N. Pouchet, R. Chowdhury and R. Harrison, “Efficient Execution of Dynamic Programming Algorithms on Apache Spark,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Kobe, Japan, 2020, pp. 337-348, doi: 10.1109/CLUSTER49012.2020.00044.
Machine Learning a Highly Accurate Exchange and Correlation Functional of the Electronic Density, Sebastian Dick and Marivi Fernandez-Serra, Nat Commun 11, 3509 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17265-7
Mishra, Alok, Abid M. Malik, Barbara Chapman, "Using Machine Learning for OpenMP GPU Offloading in LLVM", poster and abstract submitted to ACM Student Research Competition at SC20
Mohammad Mahdi Javanmard, Zafar Ahmad, Jaroslaw Zola, Louis-Noël Pouchet, Rezaul Chowdhury, and Robert Harrison, "Efficient Execution of Dynamic Programming Algorithms on Apache Spark", To Appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2020), Virtual Event, 2020.
Mohammad Mahdi Javanmard, Zafar Ahmad, Martin Kong, Louis-Noël Pouchet, Rezaul Chowdhury, and Robert Harrison, "Deriving Parametric Multi-way Recursive Divide-and-Conquer Dynamic Programming Algorithms using Polyhedral Compilers", Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2020), San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 317-329, 2020.
Narenpitak P., C.S. Bretherton, M.F. Khairoutdinov, (2020). The role of multiscale interaction in tropical cyclogenesis and its predictability in near-global aquaplanet cloud-resolving simulations. J of the Atmos Sci. 77 (8), 2847-2863
Page BreakR. Conley, T. J. Delaney, and X. Jiao, A hybrid method and unified analysis of generalized finite differences and Lagrange finite elements. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2020.
Q. Chen and X. Jiao, Robust and Efficient Multilevel-ILU Preconditioning of Newton-GMRES with Applications to Navier-Stokes Equations, 16th Copper Mountain Conference On Iterative Methods, March 2020. University of Colorado, USA.
Schrimpf, M., C. Che-Castaldo, and H.J. Lynch. 2020. Regional breeding bird assessment of the Antarctic Peninsula. In press at Polar Biology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-019-02613-1
Spitzbart, B., H.J. Lynch, M. Turilli, and S. Jha. 2020. ICEBERG: Imagery Cyber-infrastructure and Extensible Building blocks to Enhance Research in the Geosciences. (A Research Programmer's Perspective). PEARC 2020 Conference.
Sprouster, D.J., Trelewicz, J.R., Snead, L.L., Hu, X., Morrall, D., Koyanagi, T., Parish, C. M., Tan, L., Katoh, Y., and Wirth, B.D. “Advanced Synchrotron Characterization Techniques for Fusion Materials Science”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, accepted, 2020
T. Herault, Y. Robert, G. Bosilca, R.J. Harrison, C. Lewis, and E.F. Valeev, “Distributed-memory multi-GPU block-sparse tensor contraction for electronic structure,” Inria Research Centre Grenoble Research Report, RR-9353, https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02872813, 2020
Tian, S., Johannes Doerfert and Barbara Chapman, “Asynchronous OpenMP Offloading on NVIDIA GPUs”, Fourth LLVM Performance Workshop at CGO, (presentation at CGO, Feb 23rd 2020, San Diego)
Tian, Shilei, Johannes Doerfert and Barbara Chapman, “Concurrent Execution of Deferred OpenMP Target Tasks with Hidden Helper Threads”, LCPC 2020.
Water-induced formation of an alkali-ion dimer in cryptomelane nanorods. Shaobo Cheng, Vidushi Sharma, Altug S. Poyraz, Lijun Wu, Xing Li, Amy C. Marschilok, Esther S. Takeuchi, Kenneth J. Takeuchi, Marivi Fernández-Serra and Yimei Zhu. Chemical Science, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01517B
Y. Li, Q. Chen, X. Wang, and X. Jiao, WLS-ENO Remap: Superconvergent and non-oscillatory weighted least squares data transfer on surfaces. Journal of Computational Physics, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2020.
Y. Li, Q. Chen, X. Wang, and X. Jiao, WLS-ENO Remap: Superconvergent and non-oscillatory weighted least squares data transfer on surfaces. SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE20), June 2020 (rescheduled as virtual conference in Aug. 2020 due to COVID-19)
Y. Wang and P.S. Krstic, What are the prospects of using Grover's search in NISQ era? arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.10037, Phys. Rev A (in press, 2020)
Youngflesh, C., F.M. Jones, H.J. Lynch, J. Arthur, Z. Rockaiova, H. Torsey, and T. Hart. 2020. Large-scale assessment of intra- and inter-annual breeding success using a remote camera network. In press in Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.