2019 Publications
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The authors would like to thank Stony Brook Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure, and the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook University for access to the high-performance LIred and SeaWulf computing systems, the latter of which was made possible by a $1.4M National Science Foundation grant (#1531492).
Alexeev,Yuri, Robert Harrison. Special Issue on Emerging Architectures in Computational Chemistry. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 119 (12) e25959 2019
Anderson,Joel , Robert J. Harrison, Hideo Sekino, Bryan Sundahl, Gregory Beylkin, George I. Fann, Stig R. Jensen, Irina Sagert. On Derivatives of Smooth Functions Represented in Multiwavelet Bases. Journal of Computational Physics: X, Volume 4, September 2019, 100033
Ang, C., L. Snead, J. Trelewicz, An Innovative Approach to Composite Moderators Containing Zirconium Hydrides, Transactions 121 (1), 683-685 (2019)
Augustine, Carlyn N., D. E. Willcox, J. Brooks, D. M. Townsley, and A. C. Calder, “SN Ia Explosions from Hybrid Carbon–Oxygen–Neon White Dwarf Progenitors That Have Mixed During Cooling.” The Astrophysical Journal 887.2 (2019): 188.
Bari, Md Abdullah Shahneous, Abid Malik, Ahmad Qawasmeh and Barbara Chapman, “Performance and Energy Impact of OpenMP Runtime Configurations on Power Constrained Systems”, in Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2019. LINK Bibtex
Bedoya, Felipe , Jean Paul Allain, Javier Dominguez, Predrag Krstic, Effect of deuterium irradiation on graphite boronized in NSTX-U tokamak, Scientific Reports (Nature) 9, 2435 (2019).
Borowicz, A., H. Le, G. Humphries, G. Nehls, C. Höschle, V. Kosarev, and H.J. Lynch. 2019. Aerial-trained deep learning networks for surveying cetaceans from satellite imagery. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0212532
Buzi, L., A.O. Nelson, Y. Yang, R. Kaita, P.S. Krstic, and B.E. Koel, Sputtering of Li and Li-C-O thin films under deuterium and helium ion bombardment, Nuclear Materials and Energy (Elsevier), 19, 411 (2019).
Buzi,L., M Yeh, YW Yeh, OK Donaldson, MI Patino, JR Trelewicz, N Yao, Deuterium and helium ion irradiation of nanograined tungsten and tungsten–titanium alloys, Nuclear Materials and Energy 21, 100713 (2019)
Calder, A. C. and D. M. Townsley. Astrophysical Validation. In Computer Simulation Validation. Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, Philosophical Perspectives., Nicole J. Saam and Claus Beisbart, eds., pp. 685-709, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019
C. Calder, D. E. Willcox, C. J. DeGrendele, D. Shangase, M. Zingale, and D. M. Townsley, Thermonuclear (Type Ia) Supernovae and Progenitor Evolution. Proceedings of Astronum2018 – 13th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Panama City Beach, Florida, June 26-29, 2018. J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 1225 012002, 2019
Chandlee,Jane , Remi Eyraud, Jeffrey Heinz, Adam Jardine, and Jonathan Rawski. Learning with Partially Ordered Representations. In Proceedings of the 16th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language, pages 91--101, Toronto, Canada, 18--19 July 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics. bib | official pub | pdf
Cheng, B. and Trelewicz, J.R., Interfacial Plasticity Governs Strain Delocalization in Metallic Nanoglasses. Journal of Materials Research, Focus Issue on Size Effects, In Press (2019)
Cheng, B. and Trelewicz, J.R., Controlling Interface Structure in Nanoglasses Produced through Hydrostatic Compression of Amorphous Nanoparticles. Physical Review Materials, In Press (2019)
Das,Rathish, Shih-Yu Tsai, Sharmila Duppala, Jayson Lynch, Esther Arkin, Rezaul Chowdhury, Joseph Mitchell, and Steven Skiena, "Data Races and the Discrete Resource-Time Tradeoff Problem with Resource Reuse over Paths," Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), pp. 359-368, 2019.
de Jong,Wibe A. , Kristopher W. Keipert, Raymond A. Bair, Ryan Richard, Jeffrey S. Boschen, Theresa L. Windus, Robert J. Harrison, Thomas Dunning. NWChemEx: Tackling Chemical, Materials and Biochemical Challenges in the Exascale Era. American Physical Society, Volume 64, Number 2, 2019
Devaraj, A., W. Wang, R. Vemuri, L. Kovarik, X. Jiang, M. Bowden, Grain boundary segregation and intermetallic precipitation in coarsening resistant nanocrystalline aluminum alloys, Acta Materialia 165, 698-708 (2019)
Sebastian Dick and Marivi Fernandez-Serra, Learning from the density to correct total energy and forces in first principle simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 144102 (2019).
Sebastian Dick and Marivi Fernandez-Serra, Machine Learning a Highly Accurate Exchange and Correlation Functional of the Electronic Density, https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.9947312.v1 (2019)
Dolatian, Hossep and Jeffrey Heinz. RedTyp: A Database of Reduplication with Computational Models. In Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics, volume 2, 2019. Article 3. bib | official pub | pdf
E.M. Duchnowski, N.R. Brown, L. Snead, J. Trelewicz, Preliminary Reactor Physics Analysis of Alternative Moderators for Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors, Transactions 121 (1), 1448-1449 (2019)
El-Atwani, O., Cunningham, W.S., Esquivel, E., Li, M., Trelewicz, J.R., Uberuaga,
B.P, and Maloy, S.A.
In-situ Irradiation Tolerance Investigation of High Strength Ultrafine Tungsten-Titanium
Carbide Alloy. Acta Materialia, 164, 547 (2019) link
Elton, Daniel C., Michelle Fritz and Marivi Fernandez-Serra Using a monomer potential energy surface to perform approximate path integral molecular dynamics simulation of ab initio water at near-zero added cost. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019, 21, 409-417, 2018,9, 62-69.
Foley, C.M. and H.J. Lynch. 2019. Estimating the pre-exploitation population size of a historically harvested marine mammal. In press at Conservation Biology.
Goedemans,Rob, Jeffrey Heinz, and Harry van der Hulst, editors. The Study of Word Stress and Accent. Cambridge University Press, 2019. bib
Javanmard,Mohammad, Pramod Ganapathi, Rathish Das, Zafar Ahmad, Stephen Tschudi, and Rezaul
Chowdhury, "Toward Efficient Architecture-Independent Algorithms for Dynamic Programs,"
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on High-Performance Computing (ISC
HPC), pp. 143-164, 2019.
Javanmard,Mohammad, Pramod Ganapathi, Rathish Das, Zafar Ahmad, Stephen Tschudi, and Rezaul Chowdhury, "Toward Efficient Architecture-Independent Algorithms for Dynamic Programs," Proceedings of the 24th SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2019
Le, H., B. Goncalves, D. Samaras, and H.J. Lynch. 2019. Weakly labeling the Antarctic: The penguin colony case. CVPR 2019 Workshop.
Li, Y.; X. Zhao, N. Ray, X. Jiao, Compact Feature-Aware Hermite-Style High-Order Surface Reconstruction, Engineering with Computers, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00366-019-00815-z
Lynch, M.A., C. Youngflesh, N.H. Agha, M.A. Ottinger, and H.J. Lynch. 2019. No correlation found between tourism and the stress hormone measures in gentoo penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula. In press at Polar Biology (Online first: Link).
McDowall, P., and H.J. Lynch. 2019. When the “selfish herd” becomes the “frozen herd”: Spatial dynamics and population persistence in a colonial seabird. In press at Ecology (Online first: Link).
Paraskevakos, I., M. Turrili, B. C. Goncalves, H.J. Lynch, and S. Jha. 2019. Workflow design analysis for high resolution satellite image analysis. IEEE e-Science Conference.
Rawski, Jonathan and Jeffrey Heinz. No Free Lunch in Linguistics or Machine Learning: Response to Pater. Language, 95(1):e125--e135, 2019. bib | official pub | pdf
Richard, Ryan M., Colleen Bertoni, Jeffery S. Boschen, Kristopher Keipert, Benjamin Pritchard, Edward F. Valeev, Robert J. Harrison, Wibe A. de Jong, Theresa L. Windus. Developing a Computational Chemistry Framework for the Exascale Era. Computing in Science & Engineering (Volume 21, Issue: 2, March-April 1 2019)
Satoh, M., B. Stevens, F. Judt, M. Khairoutdinov, S.-J. Lin, W. Putman, and P. Duben, 2019: Global Cloud-Resolving Models, Curr Clim Change Rep, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40641-019-00131-0
Snead, L., N Brown, J. Trelewicz, C. Ang, B. Cheng, X Hu, D. Sprouster, Fabrication of Two-Phase Composite Moderators as Potential Lifetime Reactor Components, Transactions 121 (1), 1445-1447 (2019)
Stevens, B., Satoh, M., Auger, L., Biercamp, J., Bretherton, C. S., Chen, X., P. Dueben, F. Judt, M. Khairoutdinov, D. Klocke, C. Kodama, L. Kornblueh, S.-J. Lin, W. Putman, R. Shibuya, P. Neumann, N. Roeber, B. Vanniere, P.-L. Vidale, N. Wedi, L. Zhou (2019). DYAMOND: The DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation MOdeled on Non-hydrostatic Domains. J. Meteo. Soc. Japan.,6,61 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-019-0304-z
Shibata,Chihiro and Jeffrey Heinz. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Factored Regular Deterministic Stochastic Languages. In Proceedings of the 16th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language, pages 102--113, Toronto, Canada, 18--19 July 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics. bib | official pub | pdf
Townsey, Dean M, Alan C Calder, and Broxton J Miles. Modeling subgrid combustion processes in simulations of thermonuclear supernovae.Proceedings of Astronum2018 – 13th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Panama City Beach, Florida, June 26-29, 2018. J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 1225 012004, 2019
Tsai,Shih-Yu, Hao-Tsung Yang, Kin Sum Liu, Shan Lin, Rezaul Chowdhury, and Jie Gao, "Multi-Channel Assignment and Link Scheduling for Prioritized Latency-Sensitive Applications," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS), 2019.