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- 2024
- Catherine FeldmanPhD/Physics & Astronomy
- Jacob JonesPhD/Applied Mathematics & Statistics
- Kalina KostyszynPhD/Linguistics
- Fangchun LiangPhD/ChemistryPostdoctoral FellowCleveland Clinic
- Scott NelsonPhD/LinguisticsVisiting Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Ram Mohan TelikicherlaPhD/Civil EngineeringResearch EngineerGE Vernova Advanced Research Center
- Alec WillsPhD/Physics & AstronomyAwards Program ManagerThe New York Academy of Sciences
- Catherine Feldman
- 2023
- Kenneth BerardMS/ChemistryPhDBrown University
- Christian Che-CastaldoIACS Postdoctoral Fellow Assistant Unit Leader Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit
- Hyeji ChoiPhD/Applied Mathematics & Statistics Quantitative Strategist Conning
- Rachael HermanPhD/Ecology & EvolutionPostdocStony Brook University
- Adrian HurtadoPhD/Materials Science & Chemical EngineeringPostdoctoral AssociateStony Brook University
- Ghasem MirroshandelPostdocAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Guilan
- Emma TalisPhD/Applied Mathematics & StatisticsData ScientistTravelers
- Shilei TianPhD/Computer ScienceMTS Software Development EngineerAMD
- Ziji ZhangPhD/Applied Mathematics & StatisticsApplied ScientistAmazon
- Yicong ZhuPhD/Applied Mathematics & StatisticsData ScientistAvant
- Kenneth Berard
- 2022
- Qiao ChenPhD/ Applied Mathematics & StatisticsHuawei - Shenzhen, China
- Gaurav GuleriaPhD/Mechnical EngineeringCfd Applications EngineerConvergent Science
- Dakotah LambertPhD/ Linguistics
- Wenbin LuPhD/Computer ScienceGPU Compute Software EngineerIntel
- Hyejin OhPhD Mechanical Engineering
- Pradeep NalluriMS/Computer Science
- Eric RautPhD/Applied Mathematics & StatisticsSoftware Development EngineerAnnapurna Labs (Amazon AWS)
- Yulun WangPhD/Materials Science & Chemical EngineeringSenior Research ScientistQ-CTRL
- Alok MishraPhD/ Computer ScienceResearch Engineer Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
- Xuebin WangPhD/Applied Mathematics & Statistics
- Bento GoncalvesPhD/Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyRemote Sensing and Computer Vision ExpertWhale Seeker
- Qiao Chen
- 2021
- Joel AndersonPhD/ Applied Mathematics & StatisticsC++ Software EngineerAlign Technology
- Alexander BorowiczPhD/ Ecology & EvolutionEnvironmental Data ScientistSPACEWHALE project, BioConsult SH
- Sebastian DickPhD/Physics & AstronomyInvestigatorRoviant Discovery
- Yousef El-LahamPhD/ Electrical EngineeringAI Research ScientistJP Morgan Chase
- Neeraj GanuMS/ Computer ScienceSoftware Engineer/Computer ArchitectNVIDIA
- Yan KangMS/ Applied Mathematics & StatisticsPhD CandidatePenn State University
- Yipeng LiPhD/Computational Applied MathematicsAI Framework DeveloperBeijing OneFlow Technology Co., Ltd - China
- Hieu LePhD/Computer Science
- Benjamin MichalowiczMS/ Computer SciencePhD StudentThe Ohio State University
- Jonathan RawskiPhD/ LinguisticsAssistant ProfessorSan Jose State University
- Abdullah Shahneous Bari SayketPhD/Computer ScienceDeep Learning Compiler Engineer Intel Corporation
- Vidushi SharmaPhD/ Physics & Astronomy
- Noah StrykerMS/ Marine SciencesWriter, photographer, and illustrator
- Xiaoning WuPhD/Marine & Atmospheric SciencesRisk Management Solutions, Inc.
- Joel Anderson
- 2020
- Alëna AksënovaPhD/ Linguistics LinguistGoogle, LLC
- Rathish DasPhD/ Computer SciencePostdoctoral FellowUniversity of Waterloo
- Aniello De SantoPhD/LinguisticsAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Utah
- Hossep DolatianPhD/ LinguisticsTechnical EditorServiceNow
- Mohammad Mahdi JavanmardPhD/ Computer ScientistResearch ScientistFacebook
- Sampath Kumar KilaparthiPhD/Computer ScienceTechnical StaffVMware
- Maria Barrios SazoPhD/ PhysicsSenior EngineerRosseland Centr for Solar Physics - Norway
- Michael SchrimpfPhD/Ecology & EvolutionPostdoc Researcher Cornell Lab of OrnithologyCornell University
- Sumedh AraniMS/Computer ScienceMember Of Technical Staff 3Nutanix
- Alëna Aksënova
- 2019
- Sharmila Venkata Sathya DuppalaMS/ Computer Science
- Catherine FoleyPhD/Ecology and EvolutionPostdoctoral FellowHawai'i Institute of Marine Biology
- Aditi GhaiPhD/Applied Mathematics and StatisticsLead Software Engineer - SimulationCadence Design Systems
- Maureen LynchPhD/Ecology and EvolutionFish Program ManagerVermont Fish and Wildlife Department
- Delafrouz MirfendereskiMS/Computer Science
- Wenbo Wang Ph.D/ Material Science and Chemical Engineering
- Xin ZhouPhD/Marine and Atmospheric SciencesPostdoc Research AssistantBrookhaven National Lab
- Premsai ChinthamreddyMS/Computer Science
- Sharmila Venkata Sathya Duppala
- 2018
- Hamid Reza AsaadiMA/Computer SciencesSoftware EngineerGoogle Canada
- Shilpi BhattacharyyaMasters/Computer ScienceData Scientist, Data & AI ExpertIBM
- Simon DivilovPhD/Physics and AstronomyPostdoctoral ResearcherUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid
- Longtao HanPhD/ Materials Science and EngineeringSoftware DeveloperTrexquant Investment LP
- Phil McDowallPhD/Ecology and EvolutionSoftware EngineerGoogle
- Cecilia O'LearyPhD/Oceonography and Atmospheric SciencePostdoctoral ResearcherNOAA & University of Washington
- Amilios SofianopoulosPhD/Mechanical EngineeringResearch EngineerConvergent Science Inc.
- Bryan SundahlPhD/Applied Mathematics - Computational Applied MathematicsComputational EngineerSandBox Semiconductor
- Donald WillcoxPhD/PhysicsPostdoctoral ResearcherLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Casey YoungfleshPhD/Ecology and EvolutionPostdoctoral Research AssociateUniversity of Connecticut
- Wei ZhangPhD/Marine and Atmospheric SciencesPostdoctoral ResearcherOak Ridge National Laboratory
- Hamid Reza Asaadi
- 2017
- Mahdi DavariPhD/GeosciencesPostdoctoral Researcher Stony Brook University
- Tristan DelaneyPhD/Applied Mathematics and StatisticsSenior R&D EngineerSynopsys Inc.
- Olivia DonaldsonPhD/Materials Science & EngineeringPost-Doctoral ScholarMechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of California Irvine
- Adrian SotoPhD/PhysicsData Science Content DeveloperData Camp
- Mahdi Davari
- 2016
- Rebecca ConleyPhD/Applied Mathematics and Statistics DepartmentAssistant Professor of MathematicsSaint Peter's University
- Daniel EltonPhD/Physics and AstronomyPostdoctoral AssociateUniversity of Maryland
- Pramod GanapathiPhD/Computer ScienceFounder & CEOLearning is Beautiful
- Melissa HoffmanMasters of Physics and Astronomy Scientific Data Analyst National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- Adam JacobsPhD/Physics and AstronomyPostdoctoral ResearcherMichigan State University
- Max KatzPhD/Physics and AstronomySolutions ArchitectNVIDIA
- Cao LuPhD in Applied Mathematics and StatisticsApplied ScientistAmazon
- Bryan PerozziPhD/Computer ScienceResearch ScientistGoogle
- Verinder RanaPhD/Applied Mathematics and SciencesScientistSpace and Naval Warfare Systems Center Command
- Rebecca Conley
- 2015
- Jesmin Jahan TithiPhD/Computer Science HPC Software ArchitectIntel Corporation
- Na ZhangPhD/Applied Mathematics and StatisticsTechnical StaffVMware
- Jesmin Jahan Tithi
Institute for Advanced Computational ScienceStony Brook UniversityStony Brook, NY 11794-5250
Phone: (631) 632-4629