What is Computational Science?
Computational science is the use of models, simulations, and modern data analytics
to solve complex problems and understand the world around us. It is an intrinsically
multidisciplinary field of study. Computational Science lies at the intersection of
mathematics, informatics, natural and social sciences, and is a dynamic scientific
method used to explain real-world processes and a method for solving increasingly
complex problems. For instance, IACS researchers use computers to blow up stars, scan satellite imagery
for the impacts of climate change, peer into the amazing world of quantum mechanics,
and explore the mysteries of songbird communication. We use the world's largest supercomputers and employ advanced AI. IACS students
advance the intellectual foundations of computation and data, with high-impact applications
in engineering; the physical, environmental, life, and social sciences; and the humanities.
To see computational science in action, please view the video below: