Advanced Graduate Certificate in Data and Computational Science (and Engineering)
The Institute for Advanced Computational Science houses an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Data and Computational Science, available to both PhD and MS/MA students in the following departments: Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Geosciences, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Linguistics, Sociology, SOMAS, Tech & Society, Physics and Astronomy, Neurobiology and Behavior, Pharmacology, and Psychology. Below are some of the certificate details. Only matriculated SBU graduate students in these departments are eligible to participate in the certificate program.
17 credits, courses can be double counted toward the certificate and the student's major
Three core courses: (1) JRN 501: Foundations of Science Communication I (formerly Distilling Your Message) (2); JRN 503: Foundations of Science Communication II (formerly Improvisation for Scientists) (3); AMS 561 Introduction to Computational and Data Science (Spring - Students are strongly encouraged to take AMS 561 in their first year of study)
- Students are expected to take at least 3 credits in AMS and 3 credits in CS from
the course catalog (CDCS course catalog).
----- CS students: at least 3 credits in AMS (not crosslisted with CS) and 3 credits in a non-CS crosslisted course in any department
----- AMS students: at least 3 credits in CS (not crosslisted with AMS) and 3 credits in a non-AMS crosslisted course in any department -
Up to 6 credits of courses that are listed in the course catalog from the student's home department can count toward the certificate
What are the first steps?
Students from participating departments should:
Check with their advisors that enrolling is permitted and request permission in writing from Research Advisor and Departmental GPD.
Please contact IACS Educational Program Manager/GPC, Dr. Jennifer McCauley ( who will provide written permission from Certificate GPD, Dr. Robert Harrison.
Complete the Permission to Enroll in a Secondary Certificate (Google Form) and upload written permission in the respective fields.
If assistance is needed with course planning, please request a meeting with Dr. McCauley.
Student to meet with their Graduate Program Director to review their schedule.
Additional Notes
The Permission to Enroll form must be submitted to the Graduate School at least one (1) day prior to the start of the upcoming semester. Any forms submitted once the current semester has begun will be effective as of the following semester. For example, if you submit your form at least one day prior to the start of the fall semester, you will be actively enrolled as of the fall. If you submit it once the fall semester has begun, you will be registered active as of the following spring semester.
Up to 9 course credits taken prior to certificate enrollment can count toward the certificate upon enrollment
For PhD students, some courses may be taken after you advance to candidacy, but you must reduce research credits to stay at 9 overall
For PhD students, there should be no additional tuition costs incurred from any additional coursework
For more information or questions, contact IACS Educational Program Manager/GPC, Dr. Jennifer McCauley