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As a quantitative fisheries ecologist, I use mathematical and statistical methods to
study fish populations and coastal ecosystems. Although I have conducted research
on a variety of issues in fisheries ecology, my current research is focused on how
climate variability and anthropogenic climate change affects marine ecosystems and
fisheries. My past research examined shifts in spatial distribution of fish in response
to warming water temperatures and fishing. My current research seeks to understand
how large scale climate variability (like the NAO and AMO) translates to more local
oceanographic processes and how those processes influence North Atlantic ecosystems.
Naturally, the study of how historic climate variability has affected ecosystems sparked
my interest in how future climate change may affect ecosystems. I work with climate
scientists using global climate models to project changes in abundance and distribution
of living marine resources. Although my current research focuses on climate variability
and change, an important emphasis of my work is to look holistically at the many drivers
of environmental change such that my research can be used to inform ecosystem-based
Janet Nye
Assistant Professor
Stony Brook University, SOMAS