IACS Affiliation
In our efforts to support the success of computational science across campus, IACS appoints both on- and off-campus faculty as affiliates of the institute. In order to be considered for affiliation, the candidate must be recommended by an IACS core faculty member, the candidate's CV must be circulated to all core faculty members, and he/she must be approved by the majority. Overall, an affiliation must strengthen the potential for success of the institute and/or computational science across SBU. An application must satisfy one or more of the following criteria used to judge the merit of the affiliation: it supports an existing collaboration between the proposed affiliate and a core IACS faculty member; it catalyzes strong, campus-wide, multidisciplinary connections for research or education (graduate or undergraduate) in computational science; it catalyzes the growth of externally supported research at the boundaries between disciplines; or it broadens the scope of computing resources or expertise available to IACS or SBU. Although affiliations are typically activated for 3 year-terms, all affiliations are reviewed annually by IACS core faculty, who reserve the right to sever the relationship if no active collaborations are in place.
Affiliate Faculty Perqs
Affiliation with the institute affords faculty the following opportunities:
Affiliate Faculty Requirements
Below are the requirements we ask of our affiliated faculty:
We expect our affiliate faculty to list IACS on related publications as an additional affiliation. Such recognition facilitates our ability to demonstrate and track our impact. For a current list of IACS affiliate faculty, click here.