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Bryan Perozzi


PhD/Computer Science

Year Graduated


Job title

Research Scientist

Job location


Bryan's research at Stony Brook focused on applying representation learning (or deep learning) to applications in social network analysis (including link prediction, user-profiling, etc.) and natural language processing. Bryan won an IACS Junior Researcher Award for 2 years, was the recipient of the Catacosinos Fellowship for Excellence in Computer Science, and received the Best Paper (runner-up) award at the SIAM Conference on Data Mining in 2016 for his work on anomaly detection in graphs. He was advised by Professor Steven Skiena.

Position Description

Bryan is a Research Scientist on the Graph Mining team at Google. For more information about research at Google, see "Google's Hybrid Approach to Research" or website.

Structure of a typical day

It's similar to graduate school. I catch up on email in the morning and get some programming done before lunch. (Ok, lunch is a little better than graduate school.) Then I usually have a few meetings and suddenly the end of the day is approaching. I make some progress on my research and then head home.

How did you find the job

I got started through the internship program (which I highly recommend). It's a great way to get to know the company and have some fun while doing it.

Advice to other students

I think there are a couple general rules for success in your studies:

  1. Work on problems you think are interesting. Enthusiasm is contagious; if you don't believe in it, it'll be hard to convince others to care.
  2. Treat your research like a full-time job.
  3. Don't forget to have fun. (Jobs have vacations -- take a day off after each paper submission!)