Jason Trelewicz
Jason Trelewicz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Stony Brook University and recently transitioned to become an IACS core faculty member. Prof. Trelewicz’s research is on the science of interface engineered alloys with particular emphasis on high-strength and radiation-tolerant nanomaterials for extreme environment applications. His research group, the Engineered Microstructures and Radiation Effects Laboratory, couples novel processing techniques and in situ characterization tools with large-scale atomistic simulations in the design of hierarchically structured metallic alloys. Materials including solute-stabilized nanocrystalline alloys, crystalline-amorphous nanolaminates, metallic glass matrix composites, and interface engineered amorphous alloys are synthesized through electroforming, sputter and pulsed laser deposition, and additive manufacturing techniques, and used to build a new understanding of mechanisms responsible for stability, mechanical behavior, and radiation tolerance. Prof. Trelewicz received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008. Prior to joining the faculty at Stony Brook University, he spent four years in industry as Research Director at MesoScribe Technologies, Inc. responsible for managing technology development and transition on over a dozen DOD, DOE, and NASA research programs. Prof. Trelewicz is a recipient of the 2017 DOE Early Career Award and 2016 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. He was also selected as the Inaugural Recipient of the Fusen and Yijen Chen Prize for Innovative Research in 2018, received the 2015 TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award, and was selected as a TMS representative for the 2014 Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference. Professor Trelewicz is an active member of the Materials Research Society (MRS), The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), and ASM International.