Sergey Syritsyn
Sergey Syritsyn began studying lattice gauge theory in 2003 in Mikhail Polikarpov's lattice theory group at ITEP, Moscow where he explored nonperturbative vacuum of SU(2) gluodynamics in terms of topological defects. After completing his master's thesis, he joined the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics to explore nucleon structure and form factors with John Negele as PhD advisor. After graduation in 2010, Sergey moved to the Lawrence Berkeley Lab and continued working towards calculation of nucleon structure at the physical point as a postdoctoral associate. From 2013-2015, Sergey worked with the RBC collaboration on neutron oscillations and electric dipole moments as a RIKEN foreign postdoctoral researcher. Dr.Syritsyn was a Nathan Isgur fellow at Jefferson Lab for a year 2015-2016, after which he accepted a Junior Faculty position at the Nuclear Theory group of the Stony Brook University (SUNY).