Marek Michalewicz
Dr. Marek T. Michalewicz has just assumed a new position as the Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) at the University of Warsaw. Between 1990-2000 Marek worked at the Supercomputing Support Group at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia, reaching the level of a Principal Research Scientist. He founded Quantum Precision Instruments Pty. Ltd. in 1999 in Australia. Quantum-Pi was one of the very first companies in the world focused exclusively on nanotechnology-enabled products: quantum tunneling sensors and metrology devices. Subsequently he also founded Quantum Precision Instruments Asia Private Limited (Singapore) and Quantum Precision Instruments, Inc. (USA) and remained their CEO and CTO for ten years. He joined A*STAR Computational Resource Centre in Singapore in early 2009 as their Chief Executive Officer until fall 2016.
His research expertise and interests are: Nanotechnology, Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Surface Science, Computational Quantum Chemistry, Supercomputing and Parallel Computing and Computational Life Sciences. He organized many scientific meetings, edited two books on Computational Life Sciences and is the author of over 50 scientific refereed papers, book chapters and proceedings volumes and has contributed to more than 80 conferences.