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Layla Hormozi
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
I am a Scientist at the Computational Science Initiative at BNL. Prior to joining
BNL I was a researcher at the Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo, a researcher
at MIT's Research Laboratory of Electronics, a Marie Curie fellow at the National
University of Ireland and a National Research Council research associate at the NIST/UMD
Joint Quantum Institute. I received my BSc from Sharif University of Technology and
my PhD in Physics from Florida State University.
My research is primarily focused at the intersection of condensed matter physics and
quantum information theory: how our understanding of quantum systems can be used to
design better quantum computers and how quantum computers can be used to better understand
complex quantum phenomena. My past research experience includes topological quantum
computing, fractional quantum Hall effect, and adiabatic quantum algorithms.