Javier Dominguez
Senior Staff Scientist
NOMATEN Centre of Excellence
National Center for Nuclear Research, NCBJ
+48 22 273 25 05
Javier Dominguez received his PhD in Physics (2015) from the National University of Mexico (UNAM) and carried a research stay in IACS under the supervision of Prof. Predrag S. Krstic and Robert Harrison, during doctoral studies. Then, he joined Prof. Krstic’s group as a postdoc to study plasma material components in extreme tokamak plasmas in collaboration with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Before taking up his current position, Javier was awarded with the A. von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Germany to develop a machine learned based software workflow for characterization and visualization of defects in damaged solids (FAVAD), under the direction of Dr. Udo von Toussaint. This software won the IAEA challenge in 2019.
Currently, he joins the group of Prof. Mikko Alava to develop numerical models and molecular dynamics techniques for nanoindentation of single crystal materials and high entropy metal alloys to design materials for fusion and industrial applications, which is in collaboration with theoretical and experimental scientists of USA, Germany, and Finland.