IACS Events Overview
The IACS Student Association is dedicated to bringing IACS affiliated students together in both casual and research-focused settings.
IACS Student Seminar Series
The IACS Student Seminar Series are a forum for IACS students to present their research to students and faculty affiliated with the IACS and the greater Stony Brook University community. The Seminar Series is usually on Wednesdays from 1:15 to 2:15. Pizza and soft drinks are provided! Learn more at https://www.iacs.stonybrook.edu.
Brown Bag Lunch Sessions
Brown Bag Lunch Sessions are a casual forum for IACS students to share both technical and non-technical skills and expertise with IACS students. If you have something to share with other students that you think would be helpful, let us know!
Invited Speakers
The IACS Student Association invites speakers in the fields of computational science and engineering.
Social Gatherings
Come meet and relax with other IACS students. We hold social gatherings at least once a month. Find out more here or follow us on Instagram @iacs_sa!