The IACS travel scholarship is granted to graduate students and postdocs who are working with faculty or affiliates of the institute. (Travel scholarships may be granted for undergraduates but will be considered on a case-by-case basis.) All travel scholarships are subject to an application process and a student may receive only one travel scholarship per year; only full-time, fully supported students are eligible; and the scholarship is subject to the availability of funds.
The IACS Travel Scholarship reimburses travel costs associated with international scientific or professional conferences or meetings, up to a maximum of $2,000. Funds must be used for travel expenses that cannot be supported by departmental resources, the PI’s budget, or other sources of support, and the student’s PI must verify by signature that the PI and the department are unable to provide funding for the travel requested. (Travel costs associated with domestic scientific or professional conferences or meetings will be considered if the PI can attest that he/she has no budget for any travel whatsoever.) Grants are awarded based on the availability of funds and the significance of the conference to the student’s career.
Granting of the scholarship requires that the student present at the event his/her research results that were obtained during his/her study while at SBU. Funds are awarded by committee based on the application and budget submitted. Travel funds will be administered by the IACS, and students MUST apply at least one full month before travel takes place. The Travel Scholarship cannot be granted for travel that has already been completed.
The application submission consists of the application form and a 1-page statement describing the importance of the proposed travel and an expense budget. The budget should include the total costs of the conference or meeting, hotel, and transportation together with supporting documentation, including notification of acceptance of a poster. Meals are not considered reimbursable expenses and are not covered through this award. The scholarship cannot accommodate budget overages so it behooves the applicant to make travel reservations prior to submitting his/her documentation.
The completed application.pdf with statement, budget and proof of poster acceptance should be emailed in pdf form to in the Institute for Advanced Computational Science. The IACS will inform applicants whether or not their request has been granted within two weeks of receiving the application.
Note: Reimbursements will not be available for any and all cancellation fees.