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UQ Conference Report

Workshop Report:  Sensitivity, Error and Uncertainty Quantification for Atomic, Plasma, and Material Data

Uncertainty quantification is an essential ingredient in developing predictive sciences and includes a wide range of algorithmic and computational methods within mathematics and statistics. The conference is intended to bring together computational physicists and chemists interested in plasma, material and atomic, molecular and optical physics and chemistry, with mathematicians and computational scientists whose focus is the mathematical and computational foundations of both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty quantification.  

The meeting was held at Stony Brook University, 7-9 November 2015, using the new conference facilities at the Institute for Advanced Computational Science. Seventeen invited speakers and as many additional attendees participated in the meeting. Each invited speaker had 45 minutes for his/her presentation, with 15 minutes of discussion after the talk. A special poster session was organized on November 8. Meeting conclusions and further plans were discussed with all participants. Click on the file below for a detailed workshop report.

