(SICM)2 Summer Program in NY
The second annual Software-Development Summer School for Computational Chemistry and Materials Modeling will be held at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY July 8-18, 2014. The 2014 workshop will focus on junior-level chemistry and materials science graduate students in U.S. research groups who have an interest in modern programming methods and software development techniques. This summer school is part of the sustainable software initiative led in chemistry by the (SICM)2 project (http://www.s2i2.org/school.php).
Students interested in attending were required to fill out an ‘Expression of Interest’ form that was due March 31.
Based on the information from the ‘Expression of Interest’ form, qualified students will be sent an email asking for application documents to be sent to iacs@stonybrook.edu by May 1. Those who qualify must send:
Documents should be in pdf form and sent to iacs@stonybrook.edu by May 1.
Those who are selected will be contacted via email. Lodging and meals will be paid for directly for all accepted registrants. Travel to and from the program will be reimbursed up to $500 per registrant. To learn more about the program, visit http://www.s2i2.org/school.php.
(SICM)2 Software Summer School AGENDA Class starts each day at 9:00am and ends at 5:30pm, with lunch roughly from 12:00-1:30pm, plus morning and afternoon coffee breaks at approximately 10:30am and 3:00pm. Sessions will consist of lectures and hands-on exercises. All meetings will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn at Stony Brook University. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BRING THEIR LAPTOPS.
WEEK 1 July 7 Orientation/Registration Dinner, Hilton Garden Inn 6:30-9:30 pm Registration Attendance is MANDATORY
July 8-9 Fundamentals Taught by Software Carpentry
July 10 Computer Architecture and Algorithm Design Taught by Edward Valeev
July 11 Standard Libraries and Debugging Techniques Taught by Daniel Crawford
July 13 Participants are on their own – (NYC is just a train ride away)
************************** WEEK 2 The second week most afternoons are devoted to hands-on work. You can work with provided examples or bring your own codes and work on parallelizing them while taking advantage of the instructors to answer your questions. July 14 Shared-memory Parallel Programming with OpenMP Taught by Robert Harrison
July 15 Distributed-memory Parallel Programming with MPI Taught by Robert Harrison
July 16 Hybrid and Other Parallel Programming Approaches Taught by Robert Harrison
July 17 GPGPU Programming with CUDA on NVIDIA Taught by David Stampf WrapUp Dinner, The Bench 6:30-9:30 pm Attendance is MANDATORY
July 18 Mini Projects
For those students who are accepted to the workshop, a registration link will be sent to you by email for your housing accommodations. Housing will be located on campus in Nobel Halls. These are 3-bedroom, 6-person, suite-style units with a shared living room and bathroom. The rooms are completely furnished (bed, desk, dresser, closet, etc.) and feature individual climate control systems in each bedroom and the common area, wired and wireless ethernet access in all rooms, and cable TV access for those who might choose to bring a TV. Linens are prepped in each room prior to arrival and are exchanged weekly if the resident brings their soiled linens properly bagged to the Conference Office in the building.
Students should arrive on July 7 before 6 pm and depart either on July 18 after 2pm or July 19. The housing office is open from 9am-8pm so students will need to check-in or check-out during that time.
Stony Brook ID
All registered students must receive a Stony Brook picture ID card. For those students who are accepted to the workshop, a Volunteer Demographic Form will be sent to you by email. In order to receive your ID card, you must fill out the form and send it to iacs@stonybrook.edu by May 30, 2014. No student will be granted access to the campus without first having completed and emailed the Demographic Form.
In June you will be sent by email a Campus Card Application that you must bring to the campus card office with a form of ID (Driver’s License, Passport or Student ID from your home school). You sign the form while in the campus card office, get your picture taken and then your ID card will be issued. Campus Card Services Hours of Operation: Monday: 8:30 am-4 pm, Tuesday: 10 am-4:30 pm, Wednesday: 8:30 am-4 pm, Thursday: 8:30 am-4 pm, Friday: 8:30 am-4 pm.
Each registered student will receive a meal card with a set rate of $25/day, which is renewed each day. Students can eat at any of the eateries on campus, except for the Simons Center Café and the Hilton Garden Inn. You will receive a map of where you can dine in your packet of information given to you at the Orientation/Registration Dinner on July 7th.
Travel Reimbursement
Travel Reimbursements are only applicable to those participants who are not Stony Brook students and who do not live in the immediate area. You may be reimbursed for your travel up to $500. Online travel documentation must show payment method with a zero balance. For any other costs to be reimbursed, you must submit original receipts that must either be hand delivered during the two weeks of the workshop or mailed after the completion of the workshop. (See Travel Flyer for email and mailing addresses.) Emailed receipts (other than online bookings showing payment method with a zero balance) cannot be accepted.
In addition to receipts, the following Personal Information documents are needed:
Orientation/Registration Dinner - Attendance is MANDATORY
Date: Monday, July 7, 2014
Location: Hilton Garden Inn Hotel (on SBU campus, see campus map for location)
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
At the Orientation/Registration Dinner you will get a chance to eat, drink, and meet peers with whom you will be collaborating for the next two weeks. Important Note: For those needing travel reimbursements, you must bring your Personal Information documents to the dinner on July 7.
WrapUp Dinner - Attendance is MANDATORY
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2014
Location: The Bench Restaurant (across the street from Stony Brook Rail Road, see campus map)
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
At the "Wrap-Up" Dinner you will get a chance to celebrate, eat, drink and mingle! As a group, you will be able to reflect on your SICM2 workshop experience with new-found friends, computational science comrades and future colleagues!
Weekend Fun
Workshop organizers are offering to all workshop participants the opportunity to take a canoe trip down the Nissequogue River, free of charge. This trip is optional but your spot must be reserved by May 30 through the online registration form that is emailed to all participants. Canoes fit 2-3 people each. Transportation will be made available at 11am on Saturday, July 12 from the SAC circle on campus to the canoe drop-off point. Transportation will be available for the return trip at 3 pm from the canoe pick-up to the SAC circle on campus. Lunch is not provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. See the flyer for more details.
Canoe trip
NYC Sightseeing
LI Sightseeing
Where you will be on campus
Where you will dine on campus
Parking and other campus maps http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/maps.
Directions to Stony Brook University