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Infinicortex: Another Path to Reach Exascale Supercomputing

The InfiniCortex uses a metaphor of a human brain’s outer layer, the Cortex, to deliver concurrent supercomputing across the globe utilizing transcontinental InfiniBand and Galaxy of Supercomputers. We have integrated four separately important and interesting concepts to realize InfiniCortex: 

i) High bandwidth intercontinental connectivity between Asia (Singapore, Japan), Australia, the USA and Europe (Poland, France); 

ii) InfiniBand transport over trans-continental distances using Obsidian Strategics range extenders; 

iii) Connecting separate InfiniBand sub-nets with different net topologies to create a single computational resource: Galaxy of Supercomputers; 

iv) Workflows and applications on such a concurrent, distributed computational infrastructure, especially using ADIOS I/O framework. 

This year, at SC15 in Austin, TX, we will demonstrate the most extensive InfiniCortex demonstration to date – comprising the world’s first circumnavigation by InfiniBand, with most of the path operating at 100Gbps speeds. Applications are being tested from many sites and will include genomics services, bio-informatics, medical image analysis, plasma reactor simulation, asynchronous linear solvers, ADIOS framework, distributed HPC storage, resources virtualization (GPU, virtual machines, etc.). It is planned to screen live network traffic data from all the trunks and connections, and live network benchmark data as well as visual displays of applications from all partners. 


Dr. Marek T. Michalewicz is the Chief Executive Officer at A*STAR Computational Resource Centre. Marek holds a PhD degree in Theoretical Physics from the Institute of Advanced Studies, The Australian National University, Australia; and an MSc in Theoretical Physics from La Trobe University, Australia. He is a computational scientist, entrepreneur and inventor. Between 1988-90 he was at the University of Minnesota where he carried computational research using Minnesota Supercomputer Centre’s Cray-2, which at the time was the most powerful computer in the world. Marek has extensive first-hand experience with vector, parallel, vector-parallel, MIMD & SIMD supercomputers and large scale clusters.


Marek Michalewicz


Thursday, August 27, 2015


1 pm - 2pm


IACS Seminar Room