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Andrew Sorensen - Seminar and Performance

An algorave is an event where people dance to music generated from algorithms, often using live coding techniques. Algoraves can include a range of styles, including a complex form of minimal techno, and has been described as a meeting point of hacker philosophy, geek culture, and clubbing. I will give an overview of how I use and create the programming languages that I use in my live performances to generate a unique audiovisual theater experience.


Andrew Sorensen is an artist, a programmer, and a computer scientist. His interests are diverse, but unify under a common theme - the programming language as an interface for real-time dialogue between human, machine, and environment. In exploring these ideas Andrew is as likely to be found hacking code in nightclubs as steering scientific codes on distributed high performance computing clusters. Andrew is well known for creating the programming languages that he uses in live performance to generate audiovisual theater. He is regularly invited to perform these contemporary improvisations all around the world. Andrew is also a well known speaker, with regular appearances at technology, science and arts conferences around the globe. Andrew is the author of the Extempore programming language - a systems programming language designed for high-performance "live" programming.


Andrew Sorensen


Thursday, October 27, 2016


1 pm, 7:30 pm


Seminar-Simons Center / Reception-Performance-IACS Seminar Room